Site / Bylaw

The Affordable Accessory Dwelling Unit (AADU) bylaw is applicable for this competition. An affordable accessory dwelling unit can be built as long as the main building's septic system has the legal capacity. It generally shares a well with the existing building.

The following relevant dimensional constraints apply for the competition:
The maximum height for the building is 28 feet above median grade. The front setback is 30 feet (Pine Point Rd.), side setback is 15 and rear is 10 feet. If the building exceeds 15 feet in height, then the setback has to be equal to building height up to 25 feet, which is the maximum setback. There is a view of Wellfleet Harbor for the back of the site. The owner is  fine with demolishing the existing shed.

Click on the image of the site to download the file:

front 01
front 02
front 03
back yard 01
back yard 02

rear 01

rear 02

View looking South from existing building

At the South side of the site on Pine Point Way (may be called Old Cahoon Hollow Rd. on some maps) looking South/West at Wellfleet harbor

At the end of Pine Pt.Way looking South /West

Note: If the home owner decides to opt out of the accessory dwelling program, they can remove the kitchen from the dwelling and the building will then be classified as a 'studio'. Special loans and grants allotted to the owner would need to be repaid.

The Affordable Accessory Dwelling Unit (AADU)

Please see below the informational brochure by the Town Of Wellfleet for accessory dwelling units: